OK, I am trying out a new tool – which is Free and available to anyone looking to do a slide show.
It's from http://www.slideshare.net/ and you can create your own page there, just like I did. Then set up a Powerpoint presentation. Mine is below, it is one I did a few months ago on Dhyan Atkinson's Wed Afternoon Teleclass.
My presentation was called It's A Blog, It's A Website, It's A Marketing Tool…It's WordPress. It talks about using WordPress as both your blog and your complete website.
Comment below and let me know what you think of both the presentation and the SlideShare site!
Focusing on the possibilities…
I tried the Slideshare and used it with in LinkedIn. It is nice way to publish decks. I find Google docs offer some advantages like
– since the deck resides in Google, any edits are instantly visible
– supports collaboration with others
But Google docs does not support downloading the deck as a PPT file but SlideShare does.
If collaboration and continuous improvements are important, Google docs wins out.