We eloped on New Year's Day

Though we wished everyone was with us, it was lovely to do this our unique way.

Stan and our Officiator
waiting to begin on the Pearl Street Mall
Almost time to get started
Girls Helping Me Get Ready
Any last minute advice
For both the bride & groom
Yep, especially the bride
symbolic breaking of the glass
bubble gum machine rings
bubble gum machine rings
It was one for the books

And we are looking forward to celebrating throughout the year. We're jokingly calling 2023 our Wedding Tour (you know, rock stars that we are).

We decided – kinda last minute – to change our wedding date (once again). 

Since we always find ourselves at the Boulder Bookstore on New Year's day, we thought, why not?!

We didn't ask permission, didn't invite anyone (in case they kicked us out). We just walked in and the rest is documented in the images here.

I'll be adding more images, including a series of Black and White photographs from our amazing photographer Lisa (who accommodated our multiple and final date change – thank you, Lisa). 

We asked our good friend Beth Hayden to officiate because she used to do that for folks. And because her voice is so soothing, we hoped it would calm us. 

At the last minute, we realized we probably needed someone else there to hold our ‘rings' and stuff. And I texted part of our CO family the Gehrings & the Gitkinds a very cryptic message (sorry guys). Kristi, being my sista Virgo, decoded what I was asking and showed.

Below are lots of images (scroll to see everything), a wedding registry info (by request), and a virtual receiving line/guest book (though lots of folks congratulated us on Facebook, we'd prefer you leave your love notes here, because we never go there). 

Thanks for joining us virtually to share in our wedding.

A special thanks to Angela Bowman for help getting this site up quickly. And my little sister Amy for proofing (yes, I have two amazing sisters Amy, I'm a lucky ducky). 

The ceremony

These are the same images from above, but so you can take a look at your leisure (per a request).

You may have to click the pause button to stop the images from advancing.
Or click on one of the thumbnail images below, to load it. 

More ceremony - in black and white

Click any image to make it larger


You may have to click the pause button to stop the images from advancing.
Or click on one of the thumbnail images below, to load it. 

Bethany & Stan
throughout the years

Click any image to make it larger

Sweet of you to ask

Ok, so we hadn't even thought about a wedding registry. We have been together for so long that it doesn't feel like we should do that, but friends/family have requested it, so thank you.

I put a few things on Amazon, since we all know how to use it, ha – way too well.

Or you can get us a small amount on gift card for Uncommon Goods (just a place with fun wedding gifts), Boulder Bookstore (seems appropriate), Sprouts (to throw a pot luck party in the nicer weather), or FrameBridge (you know for wedding photos). 

However, really, we'd rather have an opportunity to get together for a cup of tea/coffee to celebrate with you. So please let us know when you have time to celebrate.

Virtual Receiving Line/Guest Book

We'd love to hear from you!

If you'd like to send us a note, please use the comment section below (which will be publically viewable) or send us a personal email, text, or snail mail (we'd love to get a note in our actual mailbox from you).

22 comments on “Bethany & Stan

  1. I am bawling my eyes out in happiness!!!! The wedding photos are perfect, can’t wait to see the rest. I just love all the pics of you two through the years, too. This really was special and do “you”.

    • Me too! Just wait, you'll see some of us tearing up in the black and whites. Plus I have a bunch of cool images of us walking around Pearl Street. Though it was hard not to tell you and I wanted desperately to have you there, it was helpful to know I'd see you in FL. Thanks for understanding we had to ‘do' us. Love ya to pieces!!!!!

    • Thanks Lisa! Appreciate it, our hearts are singing, too. By the way, this past summer, Carol came to Denver and we got to have a fun reunion with the person that connected us to one another. Crazy to think, because she wanted to go dancing in Denver, I got to meet my (near) perfect mate.

  2. Congrats to you both for eloping! So obvious you’ve adored each other forever! Thanks for the joy of your wedding and the precious photos. Cheers!

    • What a lovely note, Phyllis! Thank you. I'm glad our wedding is bringing joy to everyone. I'll be sure to have Stan read your note. And we'll be adding more images soon!

      • Congratulations to both of you!!! You are both so very special and unique!!! I am so thankful you found each other so many years ago. Welcome to the family Stan. Officially! Thank you for making my sister so happy! Love you both!💋

        • Thank you, most of all, for understanding that we had to do it in our odd little way. It was so much harder than you know not to have you guys there. I won't lie, now that it is over. But at the same time, it was so great just to focus on us. And I can't wait to get to you and celebrate!!! Love you more, no I do! 💋💋💋

  3. Yay!! Beth and Stan. The two of you are like peanut butter and jelly, a sweet sticky combo that forever goes together. So happy for both of you. And Your dress was gorgeous and perfect. Boulder Bookstore will never be the same!

    • Ha, thanks Barbara, what a way with words! We like peanut butter and jelly, so like the comparison. And thanks for the note about the dress, I loved wearing it. It certainly was a fun day.

  4. Two of the best people I have ever known. I’m so happy you found each other! If ever two people belonged together… So, so, so happy for you both.

  5. What a wonderful surprise. So happy for the two of you. Getting married in a Book Store – just perfect.

    We loved the photos of Stan and you through the years.

    • Thanks David & Nancy! Yes, it was perfect in its imperfection, we had a lot of fun and joyful tears. I have a picture you took of Stan and me the first time we met up, I'll have to find it and add it to the photos through the years section!

  6. Congrats, cousin. What a wonderful way to start the new year. Love the spontaneity of the ceremony juxtaposed with being a couple for 19 years. Best wishes for many years to come!

  7. Happy Everything!! Congratulations on your beautiful Wedding Day!! What a stunning bride you are! Love Wins!! …and they lived happily ever after! ❤️🍾🥂

  8. Oh, Bethany and Stan, Porter and I are beside ourselves with happiness for you, and the extraordinarily creative way you eloped! Boulder Bookstore! New Years Day! Beth Hayden officiating! Bubble gum machine wedding rings! It's sheer genius in every regard. So you! Your photos are stunning, Bethany, you look spectacularly gorgeous in your long red velvet, and Stan is so handsome! The two of you look so happy together, in the wedding photos and in the photos of your life together so far–we relished each one. Congratulations and our warmest wishes for much happiness together in the years ahead.

    • Oh, Gail! What a lovely response! Yes, it was so us, and I love that you mentioned Beth Hayden. Her voice is so calming and she knows us so well, that it seemed like a no-brainer to have her perform the wedding – plus, she actually used to offer that as a service. So we were in great hands. Thanks for all your kind words. It was an incredibly happy day and I'm glad I got to share it with you, and that you got it, you get us! ❤️

  9. Congratulations Bethany and Stan! I’m not sure if you remember us, Stan was Mya’s preschool teacher. I will never forget that one night when you were both babysitting my daughters, a four-year-old Mya cornered Bethany in the bathroom and asked her why you two weren’t married. It ended up being a little bit of an interrogation. I think Bethany told me that Mya sounded like her grandmother 😉. Well Mya is now a 21 year old and will be a high school math teacher, and artist. Thanks to the Stan’s artistic influence. I’m so happy for both of you!

    • Oh, my gosh! Yes, of course, I remember your family well. How wonderful that Mya is using both her math and artistic talents, a balanced approach. Thank you for the thoughtful note. How is your other daughter doing? Stan is going to be delighted to hear how everyone is. Thank you for posting, so good to reconnect.

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